Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter

Carol Shea-Porter is the first woman elected to national office in the history of the state of New Hampshire. Her large family has deep roots in New Hampshire, going back many generations, and she now resides in Rochester.
Shea-Porter decided that the voice of hard working families needed to be heard in Washington. The voters of New Hampshire listened to her pledge to “represent the other 99% of us” and built a district-wide grass roots network that elected her as New Hampshire’s first Congresswoman in 2006, astonishing state and national pundits. Carol won her first bid for re-election thanks to the hard work of local committees and grassroots supporters. Now we are working to send her back to continue her work standing up to special interests, battling for consumers, helping students, seniors, veterans....and all of us.
Help re-elect Carol Shea-Porter to Congress! CLICK HERE.
Carol's background: She graduated from public high school in Durham, N.H., then worked her way through the University of New Hampshire, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Social Services and later a Master of Arts in Public Administration.
She married Gene Porter, an Army officer stationed at an Army medical center in Colorado during the Vietnam era. After her husband left the service, they moved to New Orleans and then to the Washington, DC, area, where she continued her career as a social worker and teacher. She founded and directed a program to provide services to senior citizens, taught political science at a community college, and also taught politics and American history.
The Middle Class gives Carol Shea-Porter an A+ for her voting record.

The non-partisan Drum Major Institute for Public Policy diligently holds Congress accountable by analyzing legislation that impacts middle class Americans. They sent Carol Shea-Porter to the head of the class with an impressive A+ Report Card. "Working for the Rest of Us" is more than a campaign motto for Carol -- it is her commitment and work ethic every day as our Congresswoman. Check out her Report Card for yourself.